



Over the life of 阿拉莫软水器, we do our best to live up to our core beliefs. At our core, we believe in being good stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. 生意是暂时的,但我们的影响是永恒的. 做上帝、我们的团队和我们的客户认为正确的事,永远不会让我们走错路. We educate, 指南, 并帮助所有我们遇到的人, 我们要以仆人的心喜乐地去做.. 这些原则指导着我们所做的一切. From how we engage and partner with our vendors and especially how we approach our neighbors that reach out to us. Especially when it comes to other companies and non-profits that we associate ourselves with like the 圣安东尼奥 Humane Society or Operation Interdependence that helps provide military care packages to support our active military members overseas and veterans at home.

阿拉莫软水机将我们的核心信念作为北极星, we have found other opportunities to make a greater impact on our Greater 圣安东尼奥 community and now, 全球范围内. Every day we strive to provide South Texans with the best possible water quality for their home and family through many of our products. 住在美国, we are used to seeing and understand the ease of access that we all have to clean water. 我们也熟悉的产品,帮助 增加水的纯度 我们每天都在使用和消费. No matter if you are looking for a products to protect your most important investment, 你的家, or if you are looking to increase the quality of water into 你的家 we have you covered. 现在,阿拉莫软水机开始支持水.组织帮助世界各地的家庭获得安全用水和卫生设施. 在这个 博客 条目, you will read stories of folks just like us who are trying to get along in the world and provide for their families. 就是这些故事和水.组织的核心宗旨是帮助世界各地的家庭.


We are lucky to live in a country that is plentiful in the most valuable resources. 水是维持生命所必需的. 所以当我们发现世界上有九分之一的人无法获得水, it was a bit surprising because we are often consumed with our own personal day-to-day, 我们不去想这个. 或者每年有近100万人死于水, 环境卫生和与卫生有关的疾病. 或者在全球范围内,三分之一的学校缺乏基本的水和卫生设施. 这些都是可以完全纠正的. 但对于美国人来说,这是看不见的,因此也就不去想了. 所以我们想要分享那些帮助我们与水合作的故事.org.




艾莎是一位妻子、母亲和农民. 对于她的所有角色来说,最关键的是时间. “Time to work my rice fields means more money I can make for my family; our life is better,艾莎解释道.

作为一个聪明的女商人,种植着印尼最受欢迎的作物之一, Aisyah recognized lack of access to water at home as the main obstacle keeping her from having the time needed to farm.

直到最近, 对艾莎来说,典型的一天包括在日出前起床走几公里, 都是为了收集水. Her options varied – a river, a community pump or her neighbor’s bore well – none reliable. 为了收集足够的水以满足家庭的需要,她往返了几次, 最后一累又常常沮丧, 艾莎朝稻田走去.

正是为了像艾莎这样的人,我们才支持水.org. 他们为家庭提供负担得起的融资, 使他们能够在家里安装供水和厕所. 一个聪明的商业女性的聪明解决方案, 艾莎知道家里有水就意味着有更多的时间来收获更多的庄稼. 考虑到这些好处, 她满怀信心地上前取了一小块, 她可以负担得起贷款来建造自己的水龙头.

现在,在水的帮助下.在美国,艾莎和工作时间之间的经济障碍已经消除. And now, as we have seen for millions of others, Aisyah continues to change her world.




来自印度的南达(图片来源:water).org)[/caption]Her smile is truly as warm as the herbal tea she prepares each morning to sell from her humble home in Mysore. 经过橱窗里晾晒的薄荷和洋甘菊, 你可以看到南达的丈夫给奶牛喂食和浇水. 对这对夫妇来说,日子并不总是这样开始的. 多年来,每天的这个时间都集中在取水上.

Like the other women in her village, Nanda rose before the sun to collect water for her family. 在多次往返于一个遥远的社区油井之后, 她终于有足够的水吃饭了, 洗澡, 和洗衣. These hours Nanda spent to get water could have been used differently – she could have been selling tea and earning money for her family. After all, to attend school in their village required the purchase of uniforms and books. 只有她丈夫的收入, 这对夫妇几乎买不起这些东西来送他们所有的孩子上学.

这是为了她的时间, 为了孩子的教育, 为了家庭的未来, 我们支持水.org. 它们变小了, affordable loans possible for people to finance their own water and sanitation solutions, 帮助那些没有能力建造水龙头或厕所的人.

Now a water tap stands only a few feet from Nanda’s door, near her garden bed where her herbs grow. Though she was unable to offer her children safe water throughout their childhoods, 南达今天笑了. She smiles because her income selling tea affords her grandchildren the opportunity to go to school.




这是Sabina. 她是一个农民,一个单身母亲,也是她年迈母亲的主要照顾者. She approaches her days with bold wisdom, keen resourcefulness and a dedication to hard work.

过去,萨宾娜的日子开始得很早. 没有其他选择, 每天早上我都要走很长的路去收集早餐所需的水, 洗澡, 清洁——通常是远距离的, 不安全的天然来源. 萨宾娜只有几次从小贩那里买水. 她很珍惜买水所节省的时间, 但对她来说,定期这样做是不明智的,在经济上也是不可行的. 因此,池塘水是这个家庭的主要选择.

Sabina’s home and small farm are located in a rural village outside Nairobi, Kenya. Two long rainy seasons benefit Sabina’s crops; however, it wasn’t until recently that she could take advantage of the abundant precipitation.

水.org made possible in Kenya what, to a resourceful woman like Sabina, seemed an ideal solution. 在他们的帮助下,萨宾娜资助了一个雨水收集系统. 在雨季和雨后,Sabina可以为她的家和庄稼储存足够的水. 这样她就不用花时间收集水了. 而且,她喂养良好的植物为她赚了钱,其中一些她用来偿还贷款.

萨宾娜像以前一样勇敢地度过每一天, 但现在她对自己的早晨有了更多的发言权. 她如何利用这段时间是她自己的选择,这就是为什么我们支持水.org帮助其他像萨宾娜一样的女性.

One of the common threads in all of these stories that stuck out to us about all of these amazing women is that they are not looking for a hand out. 他们不期待有人来拯救他们脱离困境. They just want a chance to create a better life for themselves and their families. 如果获得安全饮用水和卫生设施可以帮助他们自助, 那么我们很高兴成为其中的一部分. 我们将继续教育, 指南, 并帮助所有我们遇到的人, 我们要以仆人的心喜乐地去做.